Ben Horn. Everyone knows he will be awkward to fight and hit. Shots being thrown but many missing the mark. Mallia landed cleaner more powerful punches
- Round 2
Mallia jabbing constantly keeping Horn on the back foot. Mallia landed the majority of punches with some power combinations. Dominant round by Mallia
- Round 3
Horn warming into the fight. Mallia throwing some power combinations and the cleaner punches, but Horn performing better and landing some good shots. Not enough to win the round.
- Round 4
Horn landing some good shots but not enough to win the round. Mallia landing body and head combinations with power and Mallia cleaner in execution. Mallia landing more, cleaner, power punches
- Round 5
Mailia the aggressor in every round. Mallia confidently and consistently landing power clean shots to the body and head
- Round 6
Nice jabs from Mallia. Horn not doing enough to win the rounds. Some good power exchanges between both towards the end of the round. Bigger power shots landed from Mallia
- Round 7
Mallia sharp and Horn has slowed down. Body shots taking their toll. Mallia jabs keeps Horn at bay and on the back foot.
- Round 8
Mallia still bouncing on his toes being the aggressor and landing the better, cleaner punches, as per every other round. Mallia dictating the pace of every round and avoiding many of Horn’s flurries.
- Round 9
Both trading big punches. A closer round with both having success with body and head punches. Mallia still looks the more powerful
- Round 10
Both trading big punches. Horn obviously needs a knockout. Both coming forward. Horn having his best round but still getting hit with some big shots
A dominant professional performance from Mallia
Horn is a fit, courageous, awkward fighter with a great chin, but outclassed in this fight