Joel Taylor Wins the vacant Australian welterweight title

Joel Taylor Wins the vacant Australian welterweight title
Bo Belbin defeated Jayden Riddle for the Vacant Australasian Super Welterweight Title over 8 Rnds at the Hobart Town Hall on Saturday the 12 November . The packed house under the promotion by Grant Brown, saw Riddle on top in…
ANBF WOMEN’S NSW SUPER FLYWEIGHT TITLE (VACANT) SARAH WATT (2-2-1) Canberra VS BRIANNA HARRISON (1-0-0) Campbelltown As soon as the bell sounded for the first round Harrison and Watt wasted no time in trading a flurry of punches. In the…
Victorian Pom Thanawut defeated Conner Read for the Australiasian Featherweight crown in front of a packed St Kilda town hall on Saturday the 29th October over 8 x 3 m rounds. The rangy Thanawut kept read at bay over the…