The ANBF Annual General Meeting for 2017 was held on 18th November 2017. At that meeting a number of changes to the ANBF rules were made. These changed were as follows:
- The ANBF can now not change the decision of a fight except for arithmetic errors;
- The Australasian titles rules were improved;
- Women’s weights were made the same as men’s weights;
- The criteria for judging were updated;
- Partial or incomplete rounds will now be scored;
- The words of the cut eye rule were improved (but no change to the rules);
- An Australian champion can not be a regional title holder;
- The requirement for boxers to wear the same gloves was removed.
The details of the changes are presented in the attached document “Notification of ANBF Rule Changes December 2017”. The updated rules can be found on this website.