ANBF Rule 81 (DEPRIVATION OF AUSTRALIAN TITLE) paragraph 2 currently states:
If an Australian champion has not defended his/her title for a period of 9-months or it becomes clear this will be the case, for WHATEVER reason, the ANBF may declare the title vacant.
The ANBF is considering strengthening ANBF Rule 81 (2) and its application in 2020. This would have the rule changed to reflect the following:
If the champion has not been challenged within the mandatory 6-month period or has been injured, the ANBF may, but not necessarily, give the champion an extension of 3 months to complete the mandatory obligation. If the extension expires without the champion defending or it becomes clear this will be the case (for whatever reason) the title will automatically be declared vacant.
If the rule is changed, there would be a limited grace period in 2020 for champions to defend the title before this clause (possibly strengthened) is exercised.
Any comments people may have on this proposed change, which is being seriously considered, are most welcome. It is through feedback from the industry that we get this right.
Best regards
Andrew Campbell
National Secretary
Australian National Boxing Federation
Mobile 0417 115 954