In April 2022 the ANBF Men’s Australian Super-Featherweight champion Dana Coolwell competed for an IBF regional title and as a result has relinquished his Australian Super-Featherweight title. We congratulate Dana on his reign as the Men’s Australian Super-Featherweight champion, and we wish Dana all the best for the future.
Consequently the ANBF Men’s Australian Super-Featherweight title is declared vacant (ANBF Rule 84 (1)), and a 7 day “Registration of Interest Period” has commenced (ANBF Rule 75). The Registration of Interest Period will conclude at midnight on Tuesday 10th May 2022.
During this time interested promoters / managers may lodge a “Registrations of Interest” with the ANBF National Secretary of matches they wish to be considered to compete for the vacant ANBF Men’s Australian Super-Featherweight Title. (Please note that registrations of single boxers will not be considered. Rule 75.1 (6) (b) states “Only established matches will be considered”.)Only applications that are provided with the knowledge and consent of the boxers nominated will be accepted.
Lodgement is to Andrew Campbell via email (i.e. reply to this email).
The ANBF cannot consider any applications until the Registration of Interest Period has finished.