7-Day Registration of Interest for the ANBF Men’s Australian Heavyweight Title

On 21st September 2019  the ANBF Men’s Australian Heavyweight champion Demsey McKean won the WBO  Africa Heavyweight Title.  We congratulate Demsey on his win and for his reign as the Men’s Australian Heavyweight champion.]

Consequently the ANBF Men’s Australian Heavyweight title is declared vacant (ANBF Rule 84 (1)), and a 7 day “Registration of Interest Period” has commenced (ANBF Rule 75).  The  Registration of Interest Period will conclude at midnight on Sunday 29th September 2019.

During this time interested promoters / managers may lodge a “Registrations of Interest” with the ANBF National Secretary of the boxer or boxers they wish to be considered to compete for the vacant ANBF Australian Heavyweight Title.

Only applications that are provided with the knowledge and consent on the boxers nominated will be accepted.

Lodgement is to Andrew Campbell via email acampbell@marsdenjacob.com.au.

The ANBF cannot consider any applications until the Registration of Interest Period has finished.

Andrew Campbell
National Secretary
Australian National Boxing Federation
Mobile 0417 115 954
Email: acampbell@marsdenjacob.com.au

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